Last Updated:
07/03/2022 - 08:53

BTEC 500 Master Thesis (NC)

Research program leading to M.S. degree. The student should have two advisors of two different contributing departments and should register this course every semester starting by their second semester.


BTEC 8XX Special Studies (4-2)NC

M.S. students choose and study a topic under the guidance of a faculty member normally his/her advisor.


BTEC 9XX Advanced Studies (4-0)NC

Graduate students as a group or a Ph.D. student choose and study advanced topics under the guidance of a faculty member normally his/her advisor.


BTEC 503 Fundamentals of Biotechnology (3-0)3

The principles in modern biotechnology; rDNA techniques, tissue culture, bioreactor design and applications are covered in the introductory level.


BTEC 590 Seminar in Biotechnology for M.Sc. Students I (0-2) NC

Presentations of topics of general program interest, current research activities and recent developments in the related fields by graduate students, staff members, and invited speakers. M. Sc students must register for this course at 3 semesters during their M. Sc and Ph.D. on B.S. students must register for this course at least once during their Ph.D. on B.S. study.


BTEC 591 Seminar in Biotechnology for M.Sc. Students II (0-2) NC

Presentations of topics of general program interest, current research activities and recent developments in the related fields by graduate students, staff members, and invited speakers. M.Sc. students and Ph.D. on B.S. students must register for this course at least once during their M.Sc. study and Ph.D. on B.S. study. Students prepare a seminar directly related to their ongoing thesis research as a part of the Biotechnology Graduate Program.


BTEC 600 Ph.D. Thesis (NC)

Research work towards the basics of one of the disciplines making up biotechnology. The student should choose two advisors, of two contributing departments and enroll the course for all semesters starting with his/her third semester.


BTEC 690 Seminar in Biotechnology for Ph.D. Students I (0-2) NC

Presentations of topics of general program interest, current research activities and recent developments in the related fields by graduate students, staff members, and invited speakers. Ph.D. students must register for this course at 3 semesters during their Ph.D. and Ph.D. on B.S. students must register for this course at 3 semesters during their Ph.D. on B.S. study.


BTEC 691 Seminar in Biotechnology for Ph.D. Students II (0-2) NC

Presentations of topics of general Program interest, current research activities and recent developments in the related fields by graduate students, staff members and invited speakers. Ph.D. and Ph. D. on B.S. students must register for this course at least once within four academic semesters in Ph.D. and Ph. D. on B.S. study. Ph.D. and Ph. D. on B.S. students prepare a seminar directly related to their ongoing thesis research as part of the Biotechnology Graduate Program.


"Research Methods and Ethics Course" is compulsory for all students except for the students who are accepted before the 2016-2017 fall term or the doctorate students who have taken this course in the master's program. Following courses: 2380558, 2340510, 5630573, 5730570, 5600590, 5710590, 5610570, 9020500, 9060500 are equivalent and one of them can be taken. It is advised to take the course from the department of thesis advisor.